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Ok Google: Stop playing ads with Google Home

Besides playing all the answers of all queries, the digital speaker coincidentally played the Disney’s new movie “Beauty and the Beast”, which is actually not sounding worth to all the users and needs to stop. New users can head to Google Home Setup for better assistance and solutions.   

Are you enjoying the company of your digital speaker? Since the launch, the Google’s digital speaker has placed itself as the key player in the competitive market. With the bunch of astounding features, dazzling services, and fine support, the digital speaker has also grabbed the dynamic number of users across the global boundaries. If you are a new user, then you can head to Google home guide to explore the device in a better way.    

Besides all the products, sometimes we skip that, Google is anyhow an advertising company, as the major majority of money simply comes from the ads, which the company somehow integrated it into the services. Maps, Gmail, and Search are some of the Google services, which is combines ads without any kind of compromising the value.

But, by dropping the ad of latest Beauty and the Beast into the home and the assistant, Google just outshine itself in the eyes of users across the global boundaries. The device has got the fine feature that simply permits you to ask about the day, and it gives the response in agenda, traffic, news, and weather. In the middle of all these updates, the digital speaker just informed the users that the Beauty and Beast have arrived in the theaters. The whole ad lasted for 15 seconds which makes the users think that they are just a kind of product which the Google is selling.

Well, Google has claimed that it was not an ad, it was just like “the beauty in the assistant to invite the partner to be the guest and share their tales”. Getting troubled by the advertisers, eventually, this was not the feature that Google ever talked about it. Within few hours, Google just removed the ad from the Google home and also apologize to all the users.

The problem started coming down to break the user expectations, as Google initially started to advertise the set of different features and services for a home for $130 in which combined ads were not allowed. To some extent, it seems like that Google is looking out to extend the “My Day” feature by adding some timely information. The speaker has already given some info about the Oscars ahead of the show, and it also got the fine black history month story in the month of February. But such kind of experiences was quite different than a message, which simply sounds like an ad. Hopefully, Google will learn a lesson to make sound everything what they actually claim. Apart from this issue, if you counter any tech bug, just reach out to Google Home Support team to get the expert assistance and guidance.   


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